
Showing posts from March, 2022


  In the previous classes, we were told to find a good guidance program that contains different identifiable elements. I am going to attach the steps to do this activity at the end of the post in case anyone wants to check the process to find it. Each group had to find one that cover a different topic than the others, and then make a poster about it. My group “PAN” selected an anti-bullying programme which I will explain in following posts (the day my group presents it). In today’s class, we were supposed to present most of those guidance projects. However, we had to answer a girl’s questionnaire to help her with a project, where she had to make research with our opinion for her final project of the career. In the end, only a few groups were able to show and explain their programmes, that were the following. Team SANT: who proposed an Immigrant students’s reception programm (you can see it by clicking here ). Team SQUIRRELS: who proposed an emotional intelligence programme (clic...

21 and 24 of March: PARENTING STYLES

  As I did with my previous post, I will unify the content and the reflexions of the 21 st of March and 24 th of March, as they revolved around the same kind content. Specifically, I am going to talk about the different parenting styles. This is not a new topic for none of us, as we have learnt it in the previous course of Psychology of Education, so it was easier to understand it in this subject, as we had previous knowledge. As we have seen, we can distinguish 4 different parenting styles: permissive, neglectful, or uninvolved, authoritative, and authoritarian. They are different according to the demanding and the responsiveness they have. In order to make this clearer, there are some visual maps and a video attached to this post. I hope you find them interesting! In my opinion, the best parenting style and the one it should be followed is the authoritative one, as it has a balance between high demands and high responsiveness, creating, in that way, a positive environment. ...


  During these two classes, we have reviewed unit 3, that mainly focuses on intervent ion in guidance. We have focused on the humanistic factor that has to do with educational guidance. This humanistic model refers mainly on how teachers must approach students personally, taking into account their problems. I find this topic of the subject really important, as because of having some teachers that made me feel comfortable in the class by getting to know my problems or my situations, and having teachers that supported, helped, and empathised with me is one of the reasons of why I have decided to become a teacher, to help students in the same way my teachers helped me. In the other class (14 th March), we have focused on critical thinking. In my opinion, is a very important issue, as it should be treated taking into account two perspectives: the first one should be using that critical thinking in order to question about the different learning you acquire, as it is not correct to ...


  In this entry, I will add some of what we have seen in previous classes, but that I decided not to create an entry as I had not many things to comment upon the topic. For example, one of the main discussions that we had was upon the differences between a teacher and a tutor, which is a reflection I have made in other entries, but basically, we contemplated the same topics as I mentioned in those entries, that a teacher only needs to be qualified to transmit knowledge, but a tutor has to do many other things and be in touch with much more areas.   In today’s class, the main activity was again related to a movie, a kind of practice that, as I commented in the entry about Harry Potter, I really enjoy. This time, the movie was The Good Will Hunting, whose main argument is about the life of Will, a math-talented boy but whose circumstances had led him to a rebel attitude, until he is presented to Sean, a psychologist that will help him to stop acting in that rebel way and foc...