In the previous classes, we were told to find a good guidance program that contains different identifiable elements. I am going to attach the steps to do this activity at the end of the post in case anyone wants to check the process to find it. Each group had to find one that cover a different topic than the others, and then make a poster about it. My group “PAN” selected an anti-bullying programme which I will explain in following posts (the day my group presents it). In today’s class, we were supposed to present most of those guidance projects. However, we had to answer a girl’s questionnaire to help her with a project, where she had to make research with our opinion for her final project of the career. In the end, only a few groups were able to show and explain their programmes, that were the following. Team SANT: who proposed an Immigrant students’s reception programm (you can see it by clicking here ). Team SQUIRRELS: who proposed an emotional intelligence programme (clic...