In this entry, I will add some of what we have seen in previous classes, but that I decided not to create an entry as I had not many things to comment upon the topic. For example, one of the main discussions that we had was upon the differences between a teacher and a tutor, which is a reflection I have made in other entries, but basically, we contemplated the same topics as I mentioned in those entries, that a teacher only needs to be qualified to transmit knowledge, but a tutor has to do many other things and be in touch with much more areas.

 In today’s class, the main activity was again related to a movie, a kind of practice that, as I commented in the entry about Harry Potter, I really enjoy.

This time, the movie was The Good Will Hunting, whose main argument is about the life of Will, a math-talented boy but whose circumstances had led him to a rebel attitude, until he is presented to Sean, a psychologist that will help him to stop acting in that rebel way and focus on what it really matters in life.

We have also talked about the procedure that we must follow in guidance, and develop an activity in where, by looking at different clips of the previously mentioned movie, we have to identify and justify each step of the guidance process (preliminary, diagnostic and guidance step or phase) relating it to the steps that Will and Sean go through their therapy.

In this procedure, we can see how empathy is the key to help and guide anyone, as with that quality is easier for us to approach the person we are trying to help and guide, to understand him or her and their environment. If we don’t show empathy and don’t understand the other, it will be impossible for us to diagnose the problem and, moreover, guide the person towards it. It is an essential part of the process.

In my opinion, I agree as well on thinking about empathy as a key element in guidance. We can sometimes consider other’s problem as banal, that has not much importance, or that is silly. But this is the way we face that problem, taking only into account our perspective and our life experience that led us to react in a certain way. Without empathy, we are not able to put in other’s skin, and think how it can affect that person, taking into account his or her perspective, not ours.

Finally, as I mentioned previously, I really enjoy this kind of activities, as they show precisely and specifically examples on the content we are learning. In this case, I watched the movie some years ago, but I did not remember it at all, but I think is a very good example to apply in this case, as it perfectly shows the different steps in guidance.


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