21 and 24 of March: PARENTING STYLES


As I did with my previous post, I will unify the content and the reflexions of the 21st of March and 24th of March, as they revolved around the same kind content. Specifically, I am going to talk about the different parenting styles. This is not a new topic for none of us, as we have learnt it in the previous course of Psychology of Education, so it was easier to understand it in this subject, as we had previous knowledge.

As we have seen, we can distinguish 4 different parenting styles: permissive, neglectful, or uninvolved, authoritative, and authoritarian. They are different according to the demanding and the responsiveness they have. In order to make this clearer, there are some visual maps and a video attached to this post. I hope you find them interesting!

In my opinion, the best parenting style and the one it should be followed is the authoritative one, as it has a balance between high demands and high responsiveness, creating, in that way, a positive environment.

I also consider important to get to know about parents in our education as teachers, as they play an important role in the life of a teacher. We tend to focus our education as teachers in three directions: the teacher itself (theory of education, methods, skills to become a good teacher and tutor…), on the student (psychology, educational guidance, tutorial action…) and on other institutions related to education (organization, laws…), but we usually forget about the important impact and role that the parents play in a student’s life and environment, as they might be one of the main reasons for some problems that a student might face, and that it is carried to school too.


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