

This post is going to be quite different as the others that I have done during this course, as I am going to make a reflection in general, upon the subject and, most specifically, upon the blog’s project. Firstly, I have really enjoyed what I have learnt during the subject. I consider that this is something all teachers should learn. It is also too different of the other subjects we have had until now, as they were too numerical or theoretical (focused only on the theory and not in its applications in real life situations). I have experienced as well that I am not able to face the teaching occupation with many of them. But with Educational Guidance and Tutorial Action I have been able to learn how to manage different real-life situations and I have found the content of this subject really useful. Then, the blog’s project. I think it has been quite a dynamic proposal, as it is different of the projects we have been doing on other subjects. Also, I usually tend to study all the conte...

9 of May: R-DEDOS

  As I did in previous posts, I’m going to summarize the previous classes and todays into one post. Firstly, I have to mentioned that we have already finished the presentations of the guiding programs (there were a few groups left, whose work you can find by clicking here ). Another important topic that we talked about and developed by doing an activity is conflict resolution. This might be the usual problem that we can find when we are teachers, but our teacher had provided us a technique which allow us to solve the different conflicts that we might have R-DEDOS! R-DEDOS is a process that we have to follow in order to solve conflicts, by following the steps in this acronym: R à Respira y relajate D à Deten y separa E à Escucha D à Diagnostica y decide estrategia de resolución O à Ofrece/obliga S à Solución   To get to know more about the strategy R-DEDOS, we have created a hypothetical conflict (based on conflicts that we might experienced or seen in...


  Today’s class was focused on non-verbal communication. We learned about the different types of non-verbal communication that exists: proxemic (the way I interact with someone, how close I am with that person…), paralinguistic (related with the tone of the voice, the intensity, the pitch…) and kinesthetic (related to body communication, gestures…). I have attached a visual example to today’s post 😊 I consider that this is a quite important feature for everyone, but specially for teachers. Firstly, in an academic perspective, as depending on our non-verbal communication (if we make gestures, the voice we use, the tone…) our students will process the information better or not. Non-verbal communication is used EVERYTIME we are interacting with other individuals, and, as teachers, half of our day consist of interact with children. As tutors that want to help our students and ger approach to them, we might find difficult this task if we have a bad verbal communication, as we can be ...


  This is the first class that we have had after Easter holidays. I did not write a post for the 7 th of April as the class was online, but I could not attend to it as I was on my way to return to my city. In this class, we continued with the presentation that we had left about the guiding program. There were really interesting presentations (that you can find clicking here ) but I am going to focus today post to my group’s guiding programme. We have decided to talk about KIVA, an anti-bullying programme developed by a university in Finland and that focuses on providing the necessary resources to those kids that are silent (those who see and bullying situation and are so scared of suffer the same that decide not to intervene or tell anyone). I think the class enjoyed our program and I consider that we did a great job. You can see our program clicking here.


  Today we were supposed to continue (or even finished) the expositions about our guiding programs. However, on the previous class we had a talk with the personal and managers of a Montessori school and it took almost all the time of the class of EG&TA. In this session, they explained us their beliefs (theories that they used as a background), methodology and they even did a demonstration with a role-play using their material. I had mixed feelings about this talk: in one hand, I really liked their methodology and the material they used to innovate the explanation of some topics (like multiplications) and I think they use new methodologies that can be used as well in other school. However, this material is not cheap and can be affordable for only a few people (it is not fair), and, another think that I did not like is related to this class and something that EG&TA teacher said as well: they have talked a lot about didactics, methodologies, and in general, academical stuff,...


  In the previous classes, we were told to find a good guidance program that contains different identifiable elements. I am going to attach the steps to do this activity at the end of the post in case anyone wants to check the process to find it. Each group had to find one that cover a different topic than the others, and then make a poster about it. My group “PAN” selected an anti-bullying programme which I will explain in following posts (the day my group presents it). In today’s class, we were supposed to present most of those guidance projects. However, we had to answer a girl’s questionnaire to help her with a project, where she had to make research with our opinion for her final project of the career. In the end, only a few groups were able to show and explain their programmes, that were the following. Team SANT: who proposed an Immigrant students’s reception programm (you can see it by clicking here ). Team SQUIRRELS: who proposed an emotional intelligence programme (clic...

21 and 24 of March: PARENTING STYLES

  As I did with my previous post, I will unify the content and the reflexions of the 21 st of March and 24 th of March, as they revolved around the same kind content. Specifically, I am going to talk about the different parenting styles. This is not a new topic for none of us, as we have learnt it in the previous course of Psychology of Education, so it was easier to understand it in this subject, as we had previous knowledge. As we have seen, we can distinguish 4 different parenting styles: permissive, neglectful, or uninvolved, authoritative, and authoritarian. They are different according to the demanding and the responsiveness they have. In order to make this clearer, there are some visual maps and a video attached to this post. I hope you find them interesting! In my opinion, the best parenting style and the one it should be followed is the authoritative one, as it has a balance between high demands and high responsiveness, creating, in that way, a positive environment. ...