This post is going to be quite different as the others that I have done during this course, as I am going to make a reflection in general, upon the subject and, most specifically, upon the blog’s project.

Firstly, I have really enjoyed what I have learnt during the subject. I consider that this is something all teachers should learn. It is also too different of the other subjects we have had until now, as they were too numerical or theoretical (focused only on the theory and not in its applications in real life situations). I have experienced as well that I am not able to face the teaching occupation with many of them. But with Educational Guidance and Tutorial Action I have been able to learn how to manage different real-life situations and I have found the content of this subject really useful.

Then, the blog’s project. I think it has been quite a dynamic proposal, as it is different of the projects we have been doing on other subjects. Also, I usually tend to study all the content given without reflect on it, as it is what is expected from me in other subjects (just memorize and “vomit” everything in an exam), but thanks to the blog I have not only been able to manage myself when reviewing the content of the subject (as I have done it periodically and not just weeks before the exam) and also, with each entry, I could reflect on the topics treated and how I feel about them (If I thought they were right, wrong…). Even if it not what I expected from a university subject, as a general conclusion I must say that I liked the blog idea, and I think it can be applied to primary and secondary courses as well, as a way to help students to organised, to foment their creativity and originality, and to let the teacher see how are their classes going (if something should be improve or changed, the activities they should usually do…).



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