
Showing posts from May, 2022


This post is going to be quite different as the others that I have done during this course, as I am going to make a reflection in general, upon the subject and, most specifically, upon the blog’s project. Firstly, I have really enjoyed what I have learnt during the subject. I consider that this is something all teachers should learn. It is also too different of the other subjects we have had until now, as they were too numerical or theoretical (focused only on the theory and not in its applications in real life situations). I have experienced as well that I am not able to face the teaching occupation with many of them. But with Educational Guidance and Tutorial Action I have been able to learn how to manage different real-life situations and I have found the content of this subject really useful. Then, the blog’s project. I think it has been quite a dynamic proposal, as it is different of the projects we have been doing on other subjects. Also, I usually tend to study all the conte...

9 of May: R-DEDOS

  As I did in previous posts, I’m going to summarize the previous classes and todays into one post. Firstly, I have to mentioned that we have already finished the presentations of the guiding programs (there were a few groups left, whose work you can find by clicking here ). Another important topic that we talked about and developed by doing an activity is conflict resolution. This might be the usual problem that we can find when we are teachers, but our teacher had provided us a technique which allow us to solve the different conflicts that we might have R-DEDOS! R-DEDOS is a process that we have to follow in order to solve conflicts, by following the steps in this acronym: R à Respira y relajate D à Deten y separa E à Escucha D à Diagnostica y decide estrategia de resolución O à Ofrece/obliga S à Solución   To get to know more about the strategy R-DEDOS, we have created a hypothetical conflict (based on conflicts that we might experienced or seen in...