Today’s class was focused on non-verbal communication. We learned about the different types of non-verbal communication that exists: proxemic (the way I interact with someone, how close I am with that person…), paralinguistic (related with the tone of the voice, the intensity, the pitch…) and kinesthetic (related to body communication, gestures…). I have attached a visual example to today’s post 😊 I consider that this is a quite important feature for everyone, but specially for teachers. Firstly, in an academic perspective, as depending on our non-verbal communication (if we make gestures, the voice we use, the tone…) our students will process the information better or not. Non-verbal communication is used EVERYTIME we are interacting with other individuals, and, as teachers, half of our day consist of interact with children. As tutors that want to help our students and ger approach to them, we might find difficult this task if we have a bad verbal communication, as we can be ...