
Showing posts from January, 2022

31 of January: DEFINITION OF E.G (2.0)

  In today’s class we have focused again on definitions, and how can we define Educational Guidance. As I comment in a previous entry, each one of us thought and proposed one definition elaborated by us. However, we should have taken into account some elements for a good definition, that were provided by the teacher. So, taking into account this, a good proposition should include: An inclusive term (general term). The goal or purpose of the concept that we have defined. 1 or 2 main characteristics. 1 or 2 answers to the basic questions (wh-) Formal qualities (Clear vocabulary, concise, not include the word we are defining) To make an example on how to make a good definition, the teacher proposed us to define a chair, which at first seemed easy as it is a very basic object, but it was harder than we thought. We had to do the same with our definitions. I consider these steps really important as we usually do not give elaborate definitions, and just following a few...

27 of January: DEFINITION OF E.G.

  In previous classes, we were told to bring a definition to today’s class about what is or how could we define Educational Guidance. Following what I think the meaning is, some of the documents shared by the teacher, and some research on the Internet, I would define Educational Guidance as the help that is provided to the students, not only in the academical way but in the personal and social way, and, in general, helping students with the tasks (personal and social) that they have to face in school (or in the environment that surrounds the school). After creating this definition, we had to make sure that it was correct, following tips in order to give good definitions. In the attached document you will find how: -  Good definition  of E.G.

24 of January: INDIAN NAMES

  The previous week, the teacher explained to us what the “Indian names” were and aimed us to select one, so today we could share it with the class. An Indian name, as she told us, is a name that can provide the others some information about us, as it is related with an object/animal that represent us or an activity we like to perform, so we can associate the characteristics of this name with ourselves. In my case, I have selected for my Indian name “sunflower”, not only because it is my favourite flower, but also the things it refers (the Sun, the colour yellow, the feeling of happiness…), things that I would use to refer to myself. We also had to give between us adjectives that we would use to describe the others, in order to create the full name. However, as we did not have so much time left, I didn’t get assigned any adjectives. I found this activity quite interesting, as we can see from a beginning the perception that a person might have about himself, as it is that pers...


  The following blog is a project for our subject Educational Guidance and Tutorial Action. In this blog, I will not only explain the activities or what we do during the classes of this course, but also my own reflections upon the topics that we are going to treat or upon the different projects we will make. I hope you enjoy it!